Movement and Awareness

Hanging out on the Glen Burney Trail in Blowing Rock.

Photo by David Spratte

Hello students, clients, and friends,

Be prepared for a little casual free flowing of thoughts here. I didn't have time to prepare a nice blog or get my sweet husband to proofread what I wanted to share before his weekend trip so here goes. 

I feel so energized! I haven't been able to pin down exactly why yet, but I have a feeling it has to do with movement and awareness. I'm walking outside more, moving differently when I do massage, adding self massage with dryer balls when watching tv (while sitting on the floor), breathing into my belly a bit more, getting to bed earlier, and making sure I eat enough but not too much (Ha!).

I just finished listening to a book called Built to Move on Libby. I really like this informative review of the book. There are 10 tests or "vital signs" that measure mobility and optimal health and then ways to improve and create new habits for each sign. It's awesome to see how my Nia practice has prepared my body for success with a bunch of their assessments. Believe me there is plenty of room for improvement. I have to be careful not to get discouraged because there is so much I could be doing better. I am happy even with the little changes I am making and the awareness I am gaining.

I have been tracking my breath while I work and notice I breathe much easier into my belly after I do some toning with my massage client. Sometimes when an area feels super stuck I hum and the vibration travels into their muscles/fascia and seems to change the area. And wallah breathing into my belly happens much more naturally after that. Amazing. So, I just need to exhale a bit longer to fully inhale. In Nia, we do this all the time with sounding while we move. Super cool!

Another thing the authors of Built to Move are big on is rucking. My husband has been extolling the virtues for years now. I don't need a fancy ruck. I just grab one of his extra backpacks and put a weight in it. It definitely helps build bones and provides an extra oomph to my walk.

Do you know about Libby? It's Wake County Library App. I love getting books there! Sometimes I have to wait or return a book a bunch of times, but it remembers where I was in a book when I get it back. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blogs and be interested in what I love to do! 

Hope I get to dance with you this summer at Sertoma Arts Center or Jaycee Park! If I don't see you–put on that fun song and just move any old way to it!




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